Paul Stamets (Mushroom Man) Promoting Permaculture Ideals

Paul Stamets Talks on Living Sustainably, the Health Benefits of Eating Locally Grown Food and Health Problems Associated with Intensive Animal Farming.

It’s worth watching the full 13 minutes, they are a little fancy talking in between Paul speaking but it’s few and far between really so bare with it and enjoy.

The main thing I took from this was Paul saying how we need to preserve ancient forests as they house these beneficial fungi that could and in fact do hold the key to the “cures” of many diseases, specifically H1N1 flu pandemics.

“Interview with vegan author Paul Stamets, who is a world-renowned American mycologist and botanist specializing in fungi. He shares with us the medical applications of fungi and its roles in rehabilitating the environment. Most important, he reminds us to eat the organic vegan diet and locally as much as possible in order to preserve biodiversity in our ecosystem.”